16 research outputs found

    Information Theory-Guided Heuristic Progressive Multi-View Coding

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    Multi-view representation learning aims to capture comprehensive information from multiple views of a shared context. Recent works intuitively apply contrastive learning to different views in a pairwise manner, which is still scalable: view-specific noise is not filtered in learning view-shared representations; the fake negative pairs, where the negative terms are actually within the same class as the positive, and the real negative pairs are coequally treated; evenly measuring the similarities between terms might interfere with optimization. Importantly, few works study the theoretical framework of generalized self-supervised multi-view learning, especially for more than two views. To this end, we rethink the existing multi-view learning paradigm from the perspective of information theory and then propose a novel information theoretical framework for generalized multi-view learning. Guided by it, we build a multi-view coding method with a three-tier progressive architecture, namely Information theory-guided hierarchical Progressive Multi-view Coding (IPMC). In the distribution-tier, IPMC aligns the distribution between views to reduce view-specific noise. In the set-tier, IPMC constructs self-adjusted contrasting pools, which are adaptively modified by a view filter. Lastly, in the instance-tier, we adopt a designed unified loss to learn representations and reduce the gradient interference. Theoretically and empirically, we demonstrate the superiority of IPMC over state-of-the-art methods.Comment: This paper is accepted by the jourcal of Neural Networks (Elsevier) by 2023. A revised manuscript of arXiv:2109.0234

    M2HGCL: Multi-Scale Meta-Path Integrated Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Learning

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    Inspired by the successful application of contrastive learning on graphs, researchers attempt to impose graph contrastive learning approaches on heterogeneous information networks. Orthogonal to homogeneous graphs, the types of nodes and edges in heterogeneous graphs are diverse so that specialized graph contrastive learning methods are required. Most existing methods for heterogeneous graph contrastive learning are implemented by transforming heterogeneous graphs into homogeneous graphs, which may lead to ramifications that the valuable information carried by non-target nodes is undermined thereby exacerbating the performance of contrastive learning models. Additionally, current heterogeneous graph contrastive learning methods are mainly based on initial meta-paths given by the dataset, yet according to our deep-going exploration, we derive empirical conclusions: only initial meta-paths cannot contain sufficiently discriminative information; and various types of meta-paths can effectively promote the performance of heterogeneous graph contrastive learning methods. To this end, we propose a new multi-scale meta-path integrated heterogeneous graph contrastive learning (M2HGCL) model, which discards the conventional heterogeneity-homogeneity transformation and performs the graph contrastive learning in a joint manner. Specifically, we expand the meta-paths and jointly aggregate the direct neighbor information, the initial meta-path neighbor information and the expanded meta-path neighbor information to sufficiently capture discriminative information. A specific positive sampling strategy is further imposed to remedy the intrinsic deficiency of contrastive learning, i.e., the hard negative sample sampling issue. Through extensive experiments on three real-world datasets, we demonstrate that M2HGCL outperforms the current state-of-the-art baseline models.Comment: Accepted to the conference of ADMA2023 as an Oral presentatio

    MetaMask: Revisiting Dimensional Confounder for Self-Supervised Learning

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    As a successful approach to self-supervised learning, contrastive learning aims to learn invariant information shared among distortions of the input sample. While contrastive learning has yielded continuous advancements in sampling strategy and architecture design, it still remains two persistent defects: the interference of task-irrelevant information and sample inefficiency, which are related to the recurring existence of trivial constant solutions. From the perspective of dimensional analysis, we find out that the dimensional redundancy and dimensional confounder are the intrinsic issues behind the phenomena, and provide experimental evidence to support our viewpoint. We further propose a simple yet effective approach MetaMask, short for the dimensional Mask learned by Meta-learning, to learn representations against dimensional redundancy and confounder. MetaMask adopts the redundancy-reduction technique to tackle the dimensional redundancy issue and innovatively introduces a dimensional mask to reduce the gradient effects of specific dimensions containing the confounder, which is trained by employing a meta-learning paradigm with the objective of improving the performance of masked representations on a typical self-supervised task. We provide solid theoretical analyses to prove MetaMask can obtain tighter risk bounds for downstream classification compared to typical contrastive methods. Empirically, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on various benchmarks.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 202

    Modeling Multiple Views via Implicitly Preserving Global Consistency and Local Complementarity

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    While self-supervised learning techniques are often used to mining implicit knowledge from unlabeled data via modeling multiple views, it is unclear how to perform effective representation learning in a complex and inconsistent context. To this end, we propose a methodology, specifically consistency and complementarity network (CoCoNet), which avails of strict global inter-view consistency and local cross-view complementarity preserving regularization to comprehensively learn representations from multiple views. On the global stage, we reckon that the crucial knowledge is implicitly shared among views, and enhancing the encoder to capture such knowledge from data can improve the discriminability of the learned representations. Hence, preserving the global consistency of multiple views ensures the acquisition of common knowledge. CoCoNet aligns the probabilistic distribution of views by utilizing an efficient discrepancy metric measurement based on the generalized sliced Wasserstein distance. Lastly on the local stage, we propose a heuristic complementarity-factor, which joints cross-view discriminative knowledge, and it guides the encoders to learn not only view-wise discriminability but also cross-view complementary information. Theoretically, we provide the information-theoretical-based analyses of our proposed CoCoNet. Empirically, to investigate the improvement gains of our approach, we conduct adequate experimental validations, which demonstrate that CoCoNet outperforms the state-of-the-art self-supervised methods by a significant margin proves that such implicit consistency and complementarity preserving regularization can enhance the discriminability of latent representations.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) 2022; Refer to https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/985763

    Introducing Expertise Logic into Graph Representation Learning from A Causal Perspective

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    Benefiting from the injection of human prior knowledge, graphs, as derived discrete data, are semantically dense so that models can efficiently learn the semantic information from such data. Accordingly, graph neural networks (GNNs) indeed achieve impressive success in various fields. Revisiting the GNN learning paradigms, we discover that the relationship between human expertise and the knowledge modeled by GNNs still confuses researchers. To this end, we introduce motivating experiments and derive an empirical observation that the human expertise is gradually learned by the GNNs in general domains. By further observing the ramifications of introducing expertise logic into graph representation learning, we conclude that leading the GNNs to learn human expertise can improve the model performance. By exploring the intrinsic mechanism behind such observations, we elaborate the Structural Causal Model for the graph representation learning paradigm. Following the theoretical guidance, we innovatively introduce the auxiliary causal logic learning paradigm to improve the model to learn the expertise logic causally related to the graph representation learning task. In practice, the counterfactual technique is further performed to tackle the insufficient training issue during optimization. Plentiful experiments on the crafted and real-world domains support the consistent effectiveness of the proposed method

    Supporting Vision-Language Model Inference with Causality-pruning Knowledge Prompt

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    Vision-language models are pre-trained by aligning image-text pairs in a common space so that the models can deal with open-set visual concepts by learning semantic information from textual labels. To boost the transferability of these models on downstream tasks in a zero-shot manner, recent works explore generating fixed or learnable prompts, i.e., classification weights are synthesized from natural language describing task-relevant categories, to reduce the gap between tasks in the training and test phases. However, how and what prompts can improve inference performance remains unclear. In this paper, we explicitly provide exploration and clarify the importance of including semantic information in prompts, while existing prompt methods generate prompts without exploring the semantic information of textual labels. A challenging issue is that manually constructing prompts, with rich semantic information, requires domain expertise and is extremely time-consuming. To this end, we propose Causality-pruning Knowledge Prompt (CapKP) for adapting pre-trained vision-language models to downstream image recognition. CapKP retrieves an ontological knowledge graph by treating the textual label as a query to explore task-relevant semantic information. To further refine the derived semantic information, CapKP introduces causality-pruning by following the first principle of Granger causality. Empirically, we conduct extensive evaluations to demonstrate the effectiveness of CapKP, e.g., with 8 shots, CapKP outperforms the manual-prompt method by 12.51% and the learnable-prompt method by 1.39% on average, respectively. Experimental analyses prove the superiority of CapKP in domain generalization compared to benchmark approaches

    MetAug: Contrastive Learning via Meta Feature Augmentation

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    What matters for contrastive learning? We argue that contrastive learning heavily relies on informative features, or "hard" (positive or negative) features. Early works include more informative features by applying complex data augmentations and large batch size or memory bank, and recent works design elaborate sampling approaches to explore informative features. The key challenge toward exploring such features is that the source multi-view data is generated by applying random data augmentations, making it infeasible to always add useful information in the augmented data. Consequently, the informativeness of features learned from such augmented data is limited. In response, we propose to directly augment the features in latent space, thereby learning discriminative representations without a large amount of input data. We perform a meta learning technique to build the augmentation generator that updates its network parameters by considering the performance of the encoder. However, insufficient input data may lead the encoder to learn collapsed features and therefore malfunction the augmentation generator. A new margin-injected regularization is further added in the objective function to avoid the encoder learning a degenerate mapping. To contrast all features in one gradient back-propagation step, we adopt the proposed optimization-driven unified contrastive loss instead of the conventional contrastive loss. Empirically, our method achieves state-of-the-art results on several benchmark datasets.Comment: Accepted by ICML 202

    Using covariance weighted euclidean distance to assess the dissimilarity between integral experiments

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    Integral experiments especially criticality experiments help a lot in designing either new nuclear reactor or criticality assembly. The calculation uncertainty of the integral parameter which is introduced in by the nuclear data uncertainty is larger than the experimental uncertainty for most high-enriched uranium metal experiments, therefore the integral experiment is still very useful. There are lots of integral experiments have been done and documented. It should be considered carefully that which integral experiments should be used in applications. For instance, if the aim of the application is to validate the criticality design of a new reactor, integral experiments which are similar to the new reactor should be used. There are several similarity measures which have been used to assess the similarity between integral experiments, such as E similarity measure, G similarity measure and C similarity measure. But, there is no standard rule to choose which similarity measure should be used to assess the similarity between integral experiments in specific application. Another shortage of these similarity measures is that the thresholds of these similarity measures which should be set to judge whether the integral experiments are similar to each other or not have no clear physical meaning. In this paper, we will analyze the existing similarity measures which have been used to assess the similarity between integral experiments, and test some other similarity or dissimilarity measures which have been used in other research fields. After testing the Tanimato similarity measure and Euclidean distance, we find that the covariance weighted Euclidean distance is well suit to assess the dissimilarity between integral experiments, and the physical meaning of its threshold is clear. We recommend using covariance weighted Euclidean distance to assess the dissimilarity between integral experiments

    Robust Causal Graph Representation Learning against Confounding Effects

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    The prevailing graph neural network models have achieved significant progress in graph representation learning. However, in this paper, we uncover an ever-overlooked phenomenon: the pre-trained graph representation learning model tested with full graphs underperforms the model tested with well-pruned graphs. This observation reveals that there exist confounders in graphs, which may interfere with the model learning semantic information, and current graph representation learning methods have not eliminated their influence. To tackle this issue, we propose Robust Causal Graph Representation Learning (RCGRL) to learn robust graph representations against confounding effects. RCGRL introduces an active approach to generate instrumental variables under unconditional moment restrictions, which empowers the graph representation learning model to eliminate confounders, thereby capturing discriminative information that is causally related to downstream predictions. We offer theorems and proofs to guarantee the theoretical effectiveness of the proposed approach. Empirically, we conduct extensive experiments on a synthetic dataset and multiple benchmark datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization ability of RCGRL. Our codes are available at https://github.com/hang53/RCGRL

    Bootstrapping Informative Graph Augmentation via A Meta Learning Approach

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    Recent works explore learning graph representations in a self-supervised manner. In graph contrastive learning, benchmark methods apply various graph augmentation approaches. However, most of the augmentation methods are non-learnable, which causes the issue of generating unbeneficial augmented graphs. Such augmentation may degenerate the representation ability of graph contrastive learning methods. Therefore, we motivate our method to generate augmented graph by a learnable graph augmenter, called MEta Graph Augmentation (MEGA). We then clarify that a "good" graph augmentation must have uniformity at the instance-level and informativeness at the feature-level. To this end, we propose a novel approach to learning a graph augmenter that can generate an augmentation with uniformity and informativeness. The objective of the graph augmenter is to promote our feature extraction network to learn a more discriminative feature representation, which motivates us to propose a meta-learning paradigm. Empirically, the experiments across multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that MEGA outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in graph self-supervised learning tasks. Further experimental studies prove the effectiveness of different terms of MEGA.Comment: Accepted by International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 202